Monday, February 16, 2009

A Thought.

Forgive me for sullying the book club with yet another tangent, but I'm really enjoying the way we're getting, here, to books I always wished I'd read and to books I hadn't really heard of beforehand. And discussing them!

In that same vein, I was thinking about movies. There are plenty of 'em out there that I haven't seen--or heard of--and want to, so why not turn this utterly pleasant blog business into a book/movie club? We all read at different paces, but movies are watchable at pretty controllable intervals, no? I'd like to think we could roll movie discussions into this blog pretty seamlessly. But hey, Christ knows I've been wrong before.

We could have movie themes (British heist movies, sports movies, love stories, literary adaptations, Harryhausen movies, director-centric, B-movies, zombie flicks, documentaries, ad infinitum ). We could go birthday-by-birthday selections, or whatever.

OR, I could take my wares elsewhere and do a movie blog all on my own. I'd like to think I'd be able to drum up interest beyond the five-ish of us who contribute here (and I'll try regardless), but I wanted to get you all in on the potential ground floor just in case. We seem to be good at discussing shit.

This idea's been kicking around for a while, and it seems pretty thematically relevant to you all. But if I'm wasting your time and if this club is a book-only club, sorry, truly, and I'll take this post down ASAP, but just in case this isn't a terrible notion, then let's do yes.

Could we possibly be a Culture Club?


  1. I think it's a cool idea to also do a movie list, or a "culture club." I think maybe that we should separate it into a different blog, but maybe just because I'm not the blog expert. It may be just as easy to branch it off from this one so that I only have to have one bookmark on my browser instead of two.

  2. crazily enough, a friend of mine was discussing this idea with me just this afternoon and the phrase "culture club" was actually used. We were actually talking about museums and whatnot but the idea is still there.

    Personally, if we do add films into the mix I'd just as soon keep it within the one blog rather than splinter it off and give me something else to remember to do. Especially if all the principals remain the same. I'm not saying this is something we should definitely do, but I'm at least open to the idea, and those are my thoughts on how to proceed.

    On a personal note, I'd like to say that I'm aware I haven't been able to contribute as much as I'd hoped in the beginning, but hopefully I'm going to have my current situation resolved sooner rather than later, and I can get back to the business of living life normally, rather than being so single-mindedly focused. Once I can take care of the one thing, the rest gets easy. Thanks for the understanding.

  3. Blog logistics aside, I think this could be a perfectly splendid idea. I'm in, especially the way this in turning into a kind of weaving in and out of the conversation kind of dynamic.

    I think the theme/filmfest idea is a good one as well.

  4. Sounds fine by me, so long as they're not all war movies and westerns. It's a sausage fest up in this joint! (Joke. Sorta.)

  5. I like the idea, but it should probably be a 2nd blog.

    The other thing I like about the idea is that we could have periodic movie parties to have discussions in meatspace. I have a decent house for parties and a big ol' TV.


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