Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dan's Choice #1

I have picked my book.  So that all of you can score it early, I'm announcing it.
It is..."Mother Night" by God rest his soul Kurt Vonnegut.
I decided to add a little humor to our little club, albeit dark humor.
Hopefully not too many of us have read it.


  1. Nine Vonnegut paperbacks on my bookshelf and I can't find this one. I know I read it though, in like 1996. I may not be able to find the serious work of literary fiction edition I read then, but I should be able to find the one with Nick Nolte on the cover though. Regardless, I think I could serve myself by taking it for another spin. :)

  2. And I thought I owned this one, but what I thought was a copy of Mother Night on my bookshelf turned out to be Jailbird instead. So this is good. You're making me get around to a Vonnegut piece I must have overlooked!

  3. And I've already finished this one... what's the next one? =D

  4. Kevin, I'm picking the next book and am 90% sure of what I want us to read, but that other 10% is still giving me pause. I'll announce soon, though. Promise.


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